Just the Facts
Q: I cannot answer all the questions in the form.
A: That's okay. Just fill out as much as you know. If we need more information, we will contact you.
Q: I want to create a tribute for a colleague, but I don't know a lot of personal information.
A: Send an email to your colleague's other co-workers and see what they have to add. Someone at the organization probably has access to your colleague's family, should you want to verify facts or fill in more detail.
Q: I have information that doesn't fit any of the questions on the form.
A: Just give us the information in the box labeled additional comments.
Q: What is the turnaround time on a tribute?
A: It takes about five working days from the time we receive your
order, and up to a week if you order a customized CD.
Q: How do I pay?
A: You can send us a check upon receipt of your tribute (P.O. Box
60367, Palo Alto, CA 94306), or simply use our online payment feature. |